Introducing a bottle can be a daunting task. So many parents struggle with this just when they feel they’ve gotten the hang of directly breastfeeding. The Milk Minute podcast is here to help ease the transition! Maureen and Heather discuss…

Introducing a bottle can be a daunting task. So many parents struggle with this just when they feel they’ve gotten the hang of directly breastfeeding. The Milk Minute podcast is here to help ease the transition! Maureen and Heather discuss…
Fenugreek, is it our friend or foe? If you’re making milk you’ve probably noticed advertisements for herbal supplements to “boost” your supply, or maybe you see lactation cookies and shakes online or at the store. Many, many of these include an herb called Fenugreek as a key ingredient; but does it help? Does it hurt? How do you know whether or not this herb is for you? Tune into the Milk Minute today and join Heather and Maureen to look into the history and current use of this herb, exploring its cultural significance and its clinical study.
In honor of Veteran’s Day, the Milk Minute welcomes Dr. Jill Inderstrodt to talk with us about what’s happening with lactating parents in the military. Dr. Inderstrodt is championing breastfeeding research on mothers who have served in the United States Armed Forces. It is through crucial work like hers that we can anticipate legislation to support military families.
Did you know Congress passed the Protecting Moms Who Served Act of 2021? Maureen & Heather are going to talk about that and SO MANY other things (including single moms and dating while lactating) with Jill, don’t miss it!
The Brassiere, Over-the-Shoulder Boulder Holder, The Rack Pack, Booby Traps, knocker locker, whatever you want to call it so many of us worldwide sling on a bra each morning and shuck it off with relief when we get home from work each night.
Nursing bras, strapless, underwire, bralettes, sports bras and more! Billions wear them worldwide, but why? Where did they come from and how did we get to the bras we wear today?
Join Maureen and Heather to go on the journey of the history of bras! Discuss bras old and new, their precursors and their designers on the Milk Minute Podcast.