Ep. 192 – Encore: Caffeine and Breastfeeding
Let’s talk about caffeine! Every parents’ BFF is their morning coffee, but is it safe during lactation? Join Heather & Maureen as they share what we know and what the guidelines say now.
Let’s talk about caffeine! Every parents’ BFF is their morning coffee, but is it safe during lactation? Join Heather & Maureen as they share what we know and what the guidelines say now.
One of the most common breastfeeding problems is when baby just won’t stay latched! Popping on and off through feeds is frustrating for both parent and baby. Today we chat about how we manage this issue in consultation and what some possible causes and solutions are. This problem is complex, but your friends at the Milk Minute are here to help!
We interrupt your scheduled Milk Minute episodes to bring you a special birthday announcement! Our little podcast baby arrived just after 39 weeks and we made a special little recording just for you.
If this is your first time listening, here’s a recap: Nine months ago Heather surprised Maureen by announcing her pregnancy on the Milk Minute and asking Maureen to be her (homebirth) midwife. From this Beyond the Boob was born; a spin off from the Milk Minute where we took time to just focus on the pregnancy.
Since then its been a wild ride of TMI, prenatal education, and so much more. Today we bring you a very anticipated episode where we document the last prenatal and birth of the baby! While this isn’t the full birth story, we kept a mic set up for updates during labor and kept a little captain’s log just for you. Enjoy some birth deets and raw emotions and get excited for the full story next week!!
If you want to hear the birth story and every other week of Beyond the Boob there’s still time to subscribe on Apple Podcasts or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/milkminutepodcast
Do you want to love breastfeeding? Join Maureen and Heather today to talk about how you can improve your lactation journey. Let your favorite cohosts guide you to a simplified version of feeding your baby by investing in the right tools and resources, re-evaluating your goals, and more! M + H don’t just want you to succeed in feeding your baby, they want you to love it too.
Today is World Prematurity Day and we want to give a shout out to all of our amazing premie-parents!
We’re still on a break over here at the Milk Minute, so please enjoy one of our favorite episodes with a new twist. If you want more new content please head over to our spin-off show: Beyond the Boob. We’ll be continuing to churn out postpartum updates over there each week while Heather takes her maternity leave. Please consider supporting us by subscribing on Apple Podcasts or on our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/milkminutepodcast . By joining our Patreon you get exclusive access to each and every episode of Beyond the Boob plus early, ad-free Milk Minute episodes AND behind the scenes photos and videos.
Bonus! This week we’re giving you week 37 of Beyond the Boob for FREE!
Things are getting real over at our other show and we wanted to take a minute to remind all of you to subscribe on Apple or join us on Patreon so you don’t miss a single birth update! Y’all know we can tell a good story, and this is one birth story you need to hear. So head on over to Apple or www.patreon.com/milkminutepodcast and sign up today!
It’s Veterans Day and we want to commend our breastfeeding veterans and military families. Today we chat with Dr. Jill Inderstrodt about her research with mothers who have served in the United States Armed Forces.
The Milk Minute welcomes author and very special guest, Emese Parker, who wrote a new kind of pregnancy book, To Carry Wonder: A Memoir and Guide to Adventures in Pregnancy and Beyond. It combines stories and art with evidence-based information on all 4 trimesters of pregnancy with a BIG mental health focus (which we love). It also includes her personal memoir of her pregnancy journey, which Heather has thoroughly enjoyed reading during her pregnancy! Emese is a WHNP, MPH, and Perinatal Mental Health Specialist. She literally could not be more qualified to write this gem of a book and we are so lucky to have her. Make sure to check out the links below to get your own copy of her WONDERful book!
This week on the Milk Minute, Maureen and Heather talk all about thyroid, specifically hypothyroidism and how it affects milk supply. The thyroid is a gland found in the front of your neck. It secretes hormones that play an important part in lactation by regulating prolactin and oxytocin. Now how the thyroid affects lactation is a pretty complex issue. They try and break it down for you as simply as they can. Tune in to learn more!
This week on the Milk Minute, Maureen and Heather had the honor of interviewing the founder and CEO of Latched Mama, Melissa Wirt. Melissa is a mother of six, certified lactation counselor, and the inspiring working mom behind Latched Mama, the breastfeeding apparel company and online motherhood community.
Melissa created more than just a clothing company, but a compassionate place that adapts to the needs of their employees with some incredible parental leave and lactation support. Enjoy a real, raw and inspiring chat with Heather and Maureen’s newest friend in the women-owned business community and treat yourself to 15% off a purchase using code MilkMinute15.
Everyone talks about breastfeeding your newborn, but today the Milk Minute is here to talk about breastfeeding your 9 month old. Maureen and Heather answer some of their most asked questions in terms of what to expect, how to handle obstacles and what you can do to feel the most prepared. Distracted nursing, busy older babies, adding solids, offering water, biting, maintaining milk supply, breast refusal and weaning are all covered in today’s episode!
Does pregnancy and breastfeeding jack up your bones? As midwives and lactation consultants, your Milk Minute cohosts hear a lot of folks talk about their back pain, hip pain, and other issues after having kids, but is it just anecdotal or is there truth behind that? Tune in to learn more!