Ep. 121 – Preparing to Return to Work

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Show Notes:

Parental leave is slowly ticking by and your return-to-work date is looming ahead! What now? Today on the Milk Minute Heather and Maureen talk about making plans for a successful transition for both you and baby. Pumping, bottle feeding, and storing milk is a lot to juggle when you’ve only just got the hang of having this new tiny human around. M&H break it down week by week with a manageable “To Do” list just for you!

Thank you and WELCOME to our New Patrons:
Stephanie Landis and Reba from West Virginia


  • Get your breastfeeding journey BACK ON TRACK with a Lactation Consult with Heather! Telehealth available and some insurance accepted. Click HERE for the deets. If you have Blue Cross Blue Shield, Anthem, or Cigna PPO – you can fill out a short form to get pre-approval to get your visits with Heather 100% approved! Click HERE to access the form!
  • Book a Lactation Consult today! Booking a virtual consult with Maureen is now easier than ever. Click HERE to get started!
  • Click HERE to get HappiTummi and enter code MILKMINUTE10 for 10% off your order!

Listener Question: Can you please provide details about how to pump in the car?

Previous Episodes Mentioned:
Ep. 15 – How Much Breastmilk To Put In A Bottle
Ep. 18 – Breastfeeding Friendly Bottle Feeding
Ep. 103 – Breast Storage Capacity
Ep. 26 – Workplace accommodations with guest Juliana Franco – Know your rights!
Ep. 68 – A Milk Expression Meditation

Additional Resources:
Ceres Chill- Grab your Milkstache HERE or Grab your Ceres Chiller HERE and enter promo code MILKMINUTE15 for 15% off!
Comotomo bottles
Parent’s Choice bottles
Center for Work Life Law (415) 703-8276
PDF for Employers

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