Ep. 29 – Breastfeeding a Premature Baby

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Show Notes:

Thank you to our sponsor: Aeroflow. Click the link below to order your breast pump and accessories through your insurance!

Thank you to our sponsor Happi Tummi. Check out their products by clicking here: happitummi.com/collections/baby-…ref=lKfuip8htzeNA
Use Special Code: MilkMinute10 to get 10% off your order!

Get your breastfeeding journey BACK ON TRACK with a Lactation Consult with Heather! Telehealth available and some insurance accepted. Click the link below for the deets.
Click here to Work with Heather


Table of Contents
0:30 Welcome! All about feeding premature babies
0:45 Focusing on babies less than 35 weeks
1:25 Thank you to our sponsor Aeroflow
3:20 Preparing to have a premature baby
5:39 If you’re leaking colostrum, do this
8:36 Preemies and doing things differently
9:10 NICU baby? Start pumping
10:14 The importance of delayed cord clamping
12:00 Skin-to-skin ASAP
14:17 Can you room-in with baby? It’s OK to ask
15:03 Can’t room in? Tips for pumping
15:49 Housing for NICU parents
16:25 Thank you to our sponsor Happi Tummi
17:58 NICU baby issues and feeding
18:45 Preemie “spelling”: what it is, what to do
20:11 Owlet socks: a debate
20:32 Preemies and energy expenditure
21:20 NICU options to advocate for
24:18 Breastfeeding benefits to NICU babies
25:00 Options other than bottle feeding
26:15 Cleanliness is critical; see Epi.
26:50 Follow all guidelines
27:07 Taking baby home!
30:12 We’re here to help

Thanks to Cherie Louise Turner for editing and production and to Lindsay Brett Carothers for her musical stylings of our intro and outro.
Additional music credits, thank you Wataboi and Mazzaccaro from Pixabay.
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