Show Notes

Ep. 149- Is Breastfeeding Good Birth Control?

Is breastfeeding birth control? There are so many misconceptions around fertility and lactation, so today on the Milk Minute your friends are tackling this topic! Lets dig into the Lactation Amenorrhea Method of birth control and chat about how to use it, how effective it is, and why we do or don’t recommend it.

Show Notes

Ep. 147- Baby Slept Through the Night: How to Manage Your Boobs

So, your baby started sleeping through the night…but your boobs didn’t! Should you wake to pump? Should you sleep when baby sleeps? How can you prevent mastitis or maintain your milk supply?Join Maureen and Heather today on the Milk Minute to answer all of these questions and more! Listen to your favorite LCs chat about managing your milk production when baby isn’t moderating it for you.

Show Notes

Ep. 146 – Popping On and Off the Breast: What gives?!

One of the most common breastfeeding problems is when baby just won’t stay latched! Popping on and off through feeds is frustrating for both parent and baby. Today Maureen and Heather chat about how they manage this issue in consultation and what some possible causes and solutions are. This problem is complex, but your friends at the Milk Minute are here to help!

Show Notes

Ep. 145- Crossover Episode: Night weaning- A consult with Laura from BFP

Today your faithful hosts do things a little differently! Join Laura Birek from the Big Fat Positive podcast to have an informal night weaning consult on the Milk Minute. A lot of parents struggle with breastfeeding at night and today Maureen and Heather go over several strategies you can use to change things for the better!

Tune into the Big Fat Positive podcast next week to hear us chat with Laura and Shanna about the results of Laura’s night weaning.

Show Notes

Ep. 143- Breastfeeding in Appalachia in 1930-1950: Interview with Alpha Ellison Cook

Today the Milk Minute brings you a very special interview. Travel with Heather down to Logan county WV to meet with Alpha Ellison Cook. Grandma Alphie tells us all about raising children in very different circumstances than we do now. This interview recalls so much of what we’ve learned in many of our history episodes and shows us just how those things impacted real people. Our elders have such valuable insight, and your hosts at the Milk Minute feel honored to document some of that with you today!

Show Notes

Ep. 141- Breastfeeding a Toddler- Maureen & Lyra Update!

What started out as an update episode on breastfeeding a toddler ends up as some real, raw parenting confessions and vulnerabilities. Raising kids is far from easy, and your hosts at the Milk Minute are no strangers to mom-stress. This week join Maureen and Heather to have some real down and dirty parenting talk.

Show Notes

Ep. 138 – Iron Supplementation and Breastfeeding

Does your baby need an iron supplement just because they’re breastfed? Parents get conflicting messages about whether or not breastmilk and formula provide enough iron and how the introduction of solid foods impacts that. Today on the Milk Minute Heather and Maureen dig into the current guidelines and research to help you navigate these choices!

Show Notes

Ep. 136 – How to Introduce a Bottle of Breastmilk

Introducing a bottle can be a daunting task. So many parents struggle with this just when they feel they’ve gotten the hang of directly breastfeeding. The Milk Minute podcast is here to help ease the transition! Maureen and Heather discuss…

Show Notes

Ep 134. – Veterans and Breastfeeding: Protecting moms who served. Interview with Dr. Jill Inderstrodt

In honor of Veteran’s Day, the Milk Minute welcomes Dr. Jill Inderstrodt to talk with us about what’s happening with lactating parents in the military. Dr. Inderstrodt is championing breastfeeding research on mothers who have served in the United States Armed Forces. It is through crucial work like hers that we can anticipate legislation to support military families.

Did you know Congress passed the Protecting Moms Who Served Act of 2021? Maureen & Heather are going to talk about that and SO MANY other things (including single moms and dating while lactating) with Jill, don’t miss it!

Show Notes

Ep. 133 – The History of Bras

The Brassiere, Over-the-Shoulder Boulder Holder, The Rack Pack, Booby Traps, knocker locker, whatever you want to call it so many of us worldwide sling on a bra each morning and shuck it off with relief when we get home from work each night.

Nursing bras, strapless, underwire, bralettes, sports bras and more!  Billions wear them worldwide, but why? Where did they come from and how did we get to the bras we wear today?

Join Maureen and Heather to go on the journey of the history of bras! Discuss bras old and new, their precursors and their designers on the Milk Minute Podcast.