Show Notes

Ep. 188- Encore: World Prematurity Day

Today is World Prematurity Day and we want to give a shout out to all of our amazing premie-parents!

We’re still on a break over here at the Milk Minute, so please enjoy one of our favorite episodes with a new twist. If you want more new content please head over to our spin-off show: Beyond the Boob. We’ll be continuing to churn out postpartum updates over there each week while Heather takes her maternity leave. Please consider supporting us by subscribing on Apple Podcasts or on our Patreon at . By joining our Patreon you get exclusive access to each and every episode of Beyond the Boob plus early, ad-free Milk Minute episodes AND behind the scenes photos and videos.

Show Notes

Ep. 135 – Fenugreek: Friend or foe?

Fenugreek, is it our friend or foe? If you’re making milk you’ve probably noticed advertisements for herbal supplements to “boost” your supply, or maybe you see lactation cookies and shakes online or at the store. Many, many of these include an herb called Fenugreek as a key ingredient; but does it help? Does it hurt? How do you know whether or not this herb is for you? Tune into the Milk Minute today and join Heather and Maureen to look into the history and current use of this herb, exploring its cultural significance and its clinical study.

Show Notes

Bonus Episode – Current Events June 2022

Current events have been challenging to keep up with, every day feels like the headlines are making history globally and here in the USA. Today on the Milk Minute your hosts have a little candid chit chat about what’s going on in the US and how it affects our listeners. M & H talk about the Supreme Court, the PUMP act, the Formula act, and more. Join them for a little bonus mid-week mini-sode.

Show Notes

Ep.112- Expressing Colostrum Prenatally- How-to and Why?!

Has anyone ever told you to express colostrum before your baby is born? Or maybe you’ve seen insta moms with a freezer full at 37 weeks! Today M + H explain how to express colostrum and why you would want to in the first place. Your cohosts are here once again to simplify, demystify, and save you from extra work!

Show Notes

Ep 109- Formula Shortage and Relactation

Okay. I will finally do the reveal. We’re talking about formula shortages and relactation today. Yeah. We wanted to bring you in slow to reduce the fear-mongering that has been going around the internet and the media, and just give you the actual facts of how we got here and then what you can do about it.

Show Notes

Ep 108- Lifecycle of the Breast

It’s time to get nerdy with your favorite cohosts! This week, Maureen and Heather dig way back to the very beginning of human breast development, and follow it all the way through weaning. This one is for all the providers and science lovers listening! Let’s get together and talk about hormones, growth and development, gender and sex, puberty, cellular differentiation, and more!